Source code for pyweaving.instructions

from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,

import os.path
import time
import json

[docs]def describe_interval(secs): """ Return a string describing the supplied number of seconds in human-readable time, e.g. "107 hours, 42 minutes". """ if secs <= 0: return 'no time at all' hours = secs // 3600 minutes = (secs - (hours * 3600)) // 60 parts = [] if hours > 0: if hours == 1: parts.append('1 hour') else: parts.append('%d hours' % hours) if minutes > 0: if minutes == 1: parts.append('1 minute') else: parts.append('%d minutes' % minutes) if not (hours or minutes): parts.append('less than a minute') return ', '.join(parts)
[docs]class StatCounter(object): def __init__(self, total_picks, average_over=10): self.pick_times = [] self.total_picks = total_picks self.average_over = average_over
[docs] def start(self): self.start_time = time.time()
[docs] def pick(self): self.pick_times.append(time.time())
[docs] def print_pick_stats(self): last_picks = self.pick_times[-self.average_over:] if len(last_picks) >= self.average_over: elapsed_secs = last_picks[-1] - last_picks[0] else: elapsed_secs = last_picks[-1] - self.start_time picks_per_second = len(last_picks) / elapsed_secs picks_per_minute = picks_per_second * 60. picks_to_go = self.total_picks - len(self.pick_times) est_remaining_secs = picks_to_go / picks_per_second print("Weaving %0.2f picks/min, %d picks left, est remaining: %s" % (picks_per_minute, picks_to_go, describe_interval(est_remaining_secs)))
[docs] def print_session_stats(self): elapsed_secs = self.pick_times[-1] - self.start_time picks_done = len(self.pick_times) picks_per_second = picks_done / elapsed_secs picks_per_minute = picks_per_second * 60. print("%d picks total, average %0.2f picks/min." % (picks_done, picks_per_minute))
[docs]def wait_for_key(): raw_input('... ')
[docs]def load_save_file(save_filename): with open(save_filename) as f: return json.load(f)
[docs]def write_save_file(save_filename, obj): with open(save_filename, 'w') as f: json.dump(obj, f)
[docs]def weaving(draft, repeats, start_repeat, start_pick, save_filename=None): """ Print weaving instructions. Liftplan only for now. current_pick, start_repeat, and start_pick are 1-indexed. """ print("\n---- WEAVING INSTRUCTIONS ----\n") picks_per_repeat = len(draft.weft) if save_filename and os.path.exists(save_filename): print("Resuming progress from %s." % save_filename) state = load_save_file(save_filename) current_repeat = state['current_repeat'] current_pick = state['current_pick'] else: current_repeat = start_repeat current_pick = start_pick total_picks = (((repeats - current_repeat) * picks_per_repeat) + (picks_per_repeat - current_pick)) + 1 stats = StatCounter(total_picks) stats.start() if save_filename: if not os.path.exists(save_filename): print("Saving progress to %s." % save_filename) else: print("Progress will be saved.") else: print("Not saving progress.") print("NOTE: Assumes that the lowest-numbered thread is on the right -->.") while True: if (current_pick - 1) == len(draft.weft): if current_repeat == repeats: break # Restart pattern print("-" * 79) print("REPEAT %d COMPLETE" % current_repeat) print("Restarting pattern...") print("-" * 79) current_repeat += 1 current_pick = 1 from_right = draft.start_at_lowest_thread ^ ((current_pick - 1) % 2) weft_thread = draft.weft[current_pick - 1] print("\nREPEAT %d, PICK %d\n" % (current_repeat, current_pick)) if from_right: print((" " * 40) + "<--- SHUTTLE") else: print("SHUTTLE --->") print_shafts(draft, weft_thread.connected_shafts) if save_filename: write_save_file(save_filename, { 'current_repeat': current_repeat, 'current_pick': current_pick, }) try: wait_for_key() except EOFError: stats.print_session_stats() print ("Ending session.") return current_pick += 1 stats.pick() stats.print_pick_stats() print("DONE!")
[docs]def threading(draft, repeats): """ Print threading instructions. """ print("\n---- THREADING INSTRUCTIONS ----\n") total_count = 0 for ii, shaft in enumerate(draft.shafts, start=1): count = len([thread for thread in draft.warp if thread.shaft == shaft]) count *= repeats total_count += count print("Heddles on shaft %d: %d" % (ii, count)) print("Total heddles required: %d" % total_count) for __ in range(repeats): for ii, warp_thread in enumerate(draft.warp, start=1): shaft_no = draft.shafts.index(warp_thread.shaft) + 1 print("\nWarp thread %d: shaft %d" % (ii, shaft_no)) wait_for_key() print("DONE!")
[docs]def tieup(draft): """ Print tie-up instructions. """ raise NotImplementedError