Source code for pyweaving.wif

from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,
from ConfigParser import RawConfigParser

from . import Draft, __version__

[docs]class WIFReader(object): """ A reader for a specific WIF file. """ # TODO # - add support for metadata: author, notes, etc. # - add support for warp/weft spacing and thickness # - ensure that we're correctly handling the 'palette form' (might be only # RGB?) allowed_units = ('decipoints', 'inches', 'centimeters') def __init__(self, filename): self.filename = filename
[docs] def getbool(self, section, option): if self.config.has_option(section, option): return self.config.getboolean(section, option) else: return False
[docs] def put_metadata(self, draft): = self.config.get('WIF', 'Date') # XXX Name, author, notes, etc.
[docs] def put_warp(self, draft, wif_palette): warp_thread_count = self.config.getint('WARP', 'Threads') warp_units = self.config.get('WARP', 'Units').lower() assert warp_units in self.allowed_units, \ "Warp Units of %r is not understood" % warp_units has_warp_colors = self.getbool('CONTENTS', 'WARP COLORS') if has_warp_colors: warp_color_map = {} for thread_no, value in self.config.items('WARP COLORS'): warp_color_map[int(thread_no)] = int(value) else: warp_color_map = None warp_color = None if not warp_color_map: # try to get warp color from WARP section has_warp_colors = False warp_color = self.config.getint('WARP', 'Color') has_threading = self.getbool('CONTENTS', 'THREADING') if has_threading: threading_map = {} for thread_no, value in self.config.items('THREADING'): threading_map[int(thread_no)] = \ [int(sn) for sn in value.split(',')] for thread_no in range(1, warp_thread_count + 1): # NOTE: Some crappy software will generate WIFs with way more # threads in the warp or weft section than mentioned in the # threading. To ignore that, make sure that this thread actually # has threading specified: otherwise it's unused. if thread_no in threading_map: if has_warp_colors: color = wif_palette[warp_color_map[thread_no]] else: color = wif_palette[warp_color] if has_threading: shafts = set(draft.shafts[shaft_no - 1] for shaft_no in threading_map[thread_no]) assert len(shafts) == 1 shaft = list(shafts)[0] else: shaft = None draft.add_warp_thread( color=color, shaft=shaft, )
[docs] def put_weft(self, draft, wif_palette): weft_thread_count = self.config.getint('WEFT', 'Threads') weft_units = self.config.get('WEFT', 'Units').lower() assert weft_units in self.allowed_units, \ "Weft Units of %r is not understood" % weft_units has_weft_colors = self.getbool('CONTENTS', 'WEFT COLORS') if has_weft_colors: weft_color_map = {} for thread_no, value in self.config.items('WEFT COLORS'): weft_color_map[int(thread_no)] = int(value) else: weft_color_map = None weft_color = None if not weft_color_map: # try to get weft color from WEFT section has_weft_colors = False weft_color = self.config.getint('WEFT', 'Color') has_liftplan = self.getbool('CONTENTS', 'LIFTPLAN') if has_liftplan: liftplan_map = {} for thread_no, value in self.config.items('LIFTPLAN'): liftplan_map[int(thread_no)] = \ [int(sn) for sn in value.split(',')] has_treadling = self.getbool('CONTENTS', 'TREADLING') if has_treadling: treadling_map = {} for thread_no, value in self.config.items('TREADLING'): try: treadles = [int(tn) for tn in value.split(',')] except ValueError: pass else: treadling_map[int(thread_no)] = treadles for thread_no in range(1, weft_thread_count + 1): if (has_liftplan and (thread_no in liftplan_map)) or \ (has_treadling and (thread_no in treadling_map)): if has_weft_colors: color = wif_palette[weft_color_map[thread_no]] else: color = wif_palette[weft_color] if has_liftplan: shafts = set(draft.shafts[shaft_no - 1] for shaft_no in liftplan_map[thread_no]) else: shafts = set() if has_treadling: treadles = set(draft.treadles[treadle_no - 1] for treadle_no in treadling_map[thread_no]) else: treadles = set() draft.add_weft_thread( color=color, shafts=shafts, treadles=treadles, )
[docs] def put_tieup(self, draft): for treadle_no, value in self.config.items('TIEUP'): treadle = draft.treadles[int(treadle_no) - 1] shaft_nos = [int(sn) for sn in value.split(',')] for shaft_no in shaft_nos: shaft = draft.shafts[shaft_no - 1] treadle.shafts.add(shaft)
[docs] def read(self): """ Perform the actual parsing, and return a Draft instance. """ self.config = RawConfigParser() rising_shed = self.getbool('WEAVING', 'Rising Shed') num_shafts = self.config.getint('WEAVING', 'Shafts') num_treadles = self.config.getint('WEAVING', 'Treadles') liftplan = self.getbool('CONTENTS', 'LIFTPLAN') treadling = self.getbool('CONTENTS', 'TREADLING') assert not (liftplan and treadling), \ "WIF contains both liftplan and treadling" assert not (liftplan and (num_treadles > 0)), \ "WIF contains liftplan and non-zero treadle count" if self.getbool('CONTENTS', 'COLOR PALETTE'): palette_range = self.config.get('COLOR PALETTE', 'Range') rstart, rend = palette_range.split(',') palette_range = int(rstart), int(rend) else: palette_range = 0, 255 if self.getbool('CONTENTS', 'COLOR TABLE'): wif_palette = {} for color_no, value in self.config.items('COLOR TABLE'): channels = [int(ch) for ch in value.split(',')] channels = [int(round(ch * (255. / palette_range[1]))) for ch in channels] wif_palette[int(color_no)] = channels else: wif_palette = None draft = Draft(num_shafts=num_shafts, num_treadles=num_treadles, rising_shed=rising_shed) self.put_metadata(draft) self.put_warp(draft, wif_palette) self.put_weft(draft, wif_palette) if treadling: self.put_tieup(draft) return draft
[docs]class WIFWriter(object): """ A WIF writer for a draft. """ # TODO # - support greater color depth (may require change to Color) def __init__(self, draft): self.draft = draft
[docs] def write_metadata(self, config, liftplan): config.add_section('WIF') config.set('WIF', 'Date', config.set('WIF', 'Version', '1.1') config.set('WIF', 'Developers', '') config.set('WIF', 'Source Program', 'PyWeaving') config.set('WIF', 'Source Version', __version__) config.set('CONTENTS', 'WEAVING', 1) config.add_section('WEAVING') config.set('WEAVING', 'Rising Shed', self.draft.rising_shed) config.set('WEAVING', 'Shafts', len(self.draft.shafts)) config.set('WEAVING', 'Treadles', 0 if liftplan else len(self.draft.treadles)) config.set('CONTENTS', 'TEXT', 1) config.add_section('TEXT') config.set('TEXT', 'Title', self.draft.title) config.set('TEXT', 'Author', config.set('TEXT', 'Address', self.draft.address) config.set('TEXT', 'EMail', config.set('TEXT', 'Telephone', self.draft.telephone) config.set('TEXT', 'FAX', self.draft.fax) if self.draft.notes: config.set('CONTENTS', 'NOTES', 1) config.add_section('NOTES') for ii, line in enumerate(self.draft.notes.split('\n')): config.set('NOTES', str(ii), line)
[docs] def write_palette(self, config): # generate the color table and write it to the config # return a wif_palette mapping color instances to numbers. colors = set(thread.color.rgb for thread in self.draft.warp + self.draft.weft) wif_palette = {} config.set('CONTENTS', 'COLOR TABLE', 1) config.add_section('COLOR TABLE') for ii, color in enumerate(colors, start=1): val = '%d,%d,%d' % color config.set('COLOR TABLE', str(ii), val) wif_palette[color] = ii config.set('CONTENTS', 'COLOR PALETTE', 1) config.add_section('COLOR PALETTE') config.set('COLOR PALETTE', 'Form', 'RGB') config.set('COLOR PALETTE', 'Range', '0,255') return wif_palette
[docs] def write_threads(self, config, wif_palette, dir): assert dir in ('warp', 'weft') threads = getattr(self.draft, dir) dir = dir.upper() config.set('CONTENTS', dir, 1) config.add_section(dir) config.set(dir, 'Threads', len(threads)) # XXX This should actually be stored in the draft. config.set(dir, 'Units', 'Inches') config.set('CONTENTS', '%s COLORS' % dir, 1) config.add_section('%s COLORS' % dir) for ii, thread in enumerate(threads, start=1): config.set('%s COLORS' % dir, str(ii), wif_palette[thread.color.rgb])
[docs] def write_threading(self, config): config.set('CONTENTS', 'THREADING', 1) config.add_section('THREADING') for ii, thread in enumerate(self.draft.warp, start=1): shaft_string = str(self.draft.shafts.index(thread.shaft) + 1) config.set('THREADING', str(ii), shaft_string)
[docs] def write_liftplan(self, config): config.set('CONTENTS', 'LIFTPLAN', 1) config.add_section('LIFTPLAN') for ii, thread in enumerate(self.draft.weft, start=1): shaft_nos = [self.draft.shafts.index(shaft) + 1 for shaft in thread.connected_shafts] shaft_string = ','.join([str(shaft_no) for shaft_no in shaft_nos]) config.set('LIFTPLAN', str(ii), shaft_string)
[docs] def write_treadling(self, config): config.set('CONTENTS', 'TREADLING', 1) config.add_section('TREADLING') for ii, thread in enumerate(self.draft.weft, start=1): treadle_nos = [self.draft.treadles.index(treadle) + 1 for treadle in thread.treadles] treadle_string = ','.join([str(treadle_no) for treadle_no in treadle_nos]) config.set('TREADLING', str(ii), treadle_string)
[docs] def write_tieup(self, config): config.set('CONTENTS', 'TIEUP', 1) config.add_section('TIEUP') for ii, treadle in enumerate(self.draft.treadles, start=1): shaft_nos = [self.draft.shafts.index(shaft) + 1 for shaft in treadle.shafts] shaft_string = ','.join([str(shaft_no) for shaft_no in shaft_nos]) config.set('TIEUP', str(ii), shaft_string)
[docs] def write(self, filename, liftplan=False): assert self.draft.start_at_lowest_thread config = RawConfigParser() config.optionxform = str config.add_section('CONTENTS') self.write_metadata(config, liftplan=liftplan) wif_palette = self.write_palette(config) self.write_threads(config, wif_palette, 'warp') self.write_threads(config, wif_palette, 'weft') self.write_threading(config) if liftplan or not self.draft.treadles: self.write_liftplan(config) else: self.write_treadling(config) self.write_tieup(config) with open(filename, 'wb') as f: config.write(f)