Command Line Usage

PyWeaving includes a command-line utility that can be used for basic tasks. Here are some examples. You can also see the utility itself for more info:

$ pyweaving -h

Draft Rendering

Render a draft from a WIF file:

$ pyweaving render example.wif

Or from a JSON file:

$ pyweaving render example.json

Render a draft to an image:

$ pyweaving render example.wif out.png

Render a draft to an SVG (vector) file:

$ pyweaving render example.wif out.svg

Instead of treadling, convert to a liftplan:

$ pyweaving render example.wif out.png --liftplan

File Conversion

Convert between WIF and JSON:

$ pyweaving convert example.wif example.json


These instructions are interactive, and intend to walk you step-by-step through various processes, providing useful statistics and progress saving along the way.

Show instructions for threading a draft:

$ pyweaving thread example.wif

Show instructions for weaving:

$ pyweaving weave example.wif --liftplan --repeats 50