Source code for pyweaving

from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,

import datetime
import json
from copy import deepcopy
from collections import defaultdict

__version__ = ''

[docs]class Color(object): """ A color type. Internally stored as RGB, and does not support transparency. """ def __init__(self, rgb): if not isinstance(rgb, tuple): rgb = tuple(rgb) self.rgb = rgb def __eq__(self, other): return self.rgb == other.rgb def __ne__(self, other): return self.rgb != other.rgb @property def css(self): return 'rgb(%d, %d, %d)' % self.rgb def __str__(self): return str(self.rgb)
[docs]class WarpThread(object): """ Represents a single warp thread. """ def __init__(self, color=None, shaft=None): if color and not isinstance(color, Color): color = Color(color) self.color = color self.shaft = shaft def __repr__(self): return '<WarpThread color:%s shaft:%s>' % (self.color.rgb, self.shaft)
[docs]class WeftThread(object): """ Represents a single weft thread. """ def __init__(self, color=None, shafts=None, treadles=None): if color and not isinstance(color, Color): color = Color(color) self.color = color assert not (shafts and treadles), \ "can't have both shafts (liftplan) and treadles specified" self.treadles = treadles or set() self.shafts = shafts or set() @property def connected_shafts(self): if self.shafts: return self.shafts else: assert self.treadles ret = set() for treadle in self.treadles: ret.update(treadle.shafts) return ret def __repr__(self): if self.treadles: return '<WeftThread color:%s treadles:%s>' % (self.color.rgb, self.treadles) else: return '<WeftThread color:%s shafts:%s>' % (self.color.rgb, self.shafts)
[docs]class Shaft(object): """ Represents a single shaft of the loom. """ pass
[docs]class Treadle(object): """ Represents a single treadle of the loom. """ def __init__(self, shafts=None): self.shafts = shafts or set()
[docs]class DraftError(Exception): pass
[docs]class Draft(object): """ The core representation of a weaving draft. """ def __init__(self, num_shafts, num_treadles=0, liftplan=False, rising_shed=True, start_at_lowest_thread=True, date=None, title='', author='', address='', email='', telephone='', fax='', notes=''): self.liftplan = liftplan or (num_treadles == 0) self.rising_shed = rising_shed self.start_at_lowest_thread = start_at_lowest_thread self.shafts = [] for __ in range(num_shafts): self.shafts.append(Shaft()) self.treadles = [] for __ in range(num_treadles): self.treadles.append(Treadle()) self.warp = [] self.weft = [] = date or'%b %d, %Y') self.title = title = author self.address = address = email self.telephone = telephone self.fax = fax self.notes = notes @classmethod
[docs] def from_json(cls, s): """ Construct a new Draft instance from its JSON representation. Counterpart to ``.to_json()``. """ obj = json.loads(s) warp = obj.pop('warp') weft = obj.pop('weft') tieup = obj.pop('tieup') draft = cls(**obj) for thread_obj in warp: draft.add_warp_thread( color=thread_obj['color'], shaft=draft.shafts[thread_obj['shaft']], ) for thread_obj in weft: draft.add_weft_thread( color=thread_obj['color'], shafts=set(draft.shafts[n] for n in thread_obj['shafts']), treadles=set(draft.treadles[n] for n in thread_obj['treadles']), ) for ii, shaft_nos in enumerate(tieup): draft.treadles[ii].shafts = set(draft.shafts[n] for n in shaft_nos) return draft
[docs] def to_json(self): """ Serialize a Draft to its JSON representation. Counterpart to ``.from_json()``. """ return json.dumps({ 'liftplan': self.liftplan, 'rising_shed': self.rising_shed, 'num_shafts': len(self.shafts), 'num_treadles': len(self.treadles), 'warp': [{ 'color': thread.color.rgb, 'shaft': self.shafts.index(thread.shaft), } for thread in self.warp], 'weft': [{ 'color': thread.color.rgb, 'treadles': [self.treadles.index(tr) for tr in thread.treadles], 'shafts': [self.shafts.index(sh) for sh in thread.connected_shafts], } for thread in self.weft], 'tieup': [ [self.shafts.index(sh) for sh in treadle.shafts] for treadle in self.treadles ], 'date':, 'title': self.title, 'author':, 'address': self.address, 'email':, 'telephone': self.telephone, 'fax': self.fax, 'notes': self.notes, })
[docs] def copy(self): """ Make a complete copy of this draft. """ return deepcopy(self)
[docs] def add_warp_thread(self, color=None, index=None, shaft=0): """ Add a warp thread to this draft. """ if not isinstance(shaft, Shaft): shaft = self.shafts[shaft] thread = WarpThread( color=color, shaft=shaft, ) if index is None: self.warp.append(thread) else: self.warp.insert(index, thread)
[docs] def add_weft_thread(self, color=None, index=None, shafts=None, treadles=None): """ Add a weft thread to this draft. """ shafts = shafts or set() shaft_objs = set() for shaft in shafts: if not isinstance(shaft, Shaft): shaft = self.shafts[shaft] shaft_objs.add(shaft) treadles = treadles or set() treadle_objs = set() for treadle in treadles: if not isinstance(treadle, Treadle): treadle = self.treadles[treadle] treadle_objs.add(treadle) thread = WeftThread( color=color, shafts=shaft_objs, treadles=treadle_objs, ) if index is None: self.weft.append(thread) else: self.weft.insert(index, thread)
[docs] def compute_drawdown_at(self, position): """ Return the thread that is on top (visible) at the specified zero-indexed position. """ x, y = position warp_thread = self.warp[x] weft_thread = self.weft[y] connected_shafts = weft_thread.connected_shafts warp_at_rest = warp_thread.shaft not in connected_shafts if warp_at_rest ^ self.rising_shed: return warp_thread else: return weft_thread
[docs] def compute_drawdown(self): """ Compute a 2D array containing the thread visible at each position. """ num_warp_threads = len(self.warp) num_weft_threads = len(self.weft) return [[self.compute_drawdown_at((x, y)) for y in range(num_weft_threads)] for x in range(num_warp_threads)]
[docs] def compute_floats(self): """ Return an iterator over every float, yielding a tuple for each one:: (start, end, visible, length, thread) FIXME: This ignores the back side of the fabric. Should it? """ num_warp_threads = len(self.warp) num_weft_threads = len(self.weft) drawdown = self.compute_drawdown() # Iterate over each warp thread, then each weft thread # For each thread, find the position of each change in state for x, thread in enumerate(self.warp): this_vis_state = (thread == drawdown[x][0]) last = this_start = (x, 0) for y in range(1, num_weft_threads): check_vis_state = (thread == drawdown[x][y]) if check_vis_state != this_vis_state: length = last[1] - this_start[1] yield this_start, last, this_vis_state, length, thread this_vis_state = check_vis_state this_start = x, y last = x, y length = last[1] - this_start[1] yield this_start, last, this_vis_state, length, thread for y, thread in enumerate(self.weft): this_vis_state = (thread == drawdown[0][y]) last = this_start = (0, y) for x in range(1, num_warp_threads): check_vis_state = (thread == drawdown[x][y]) if check_vis_state != this_vis_state: length = last[0] - this_start[0] yield this_start, last, this_vis_state, length, thread this_vis_state = check_vis_state this_start = x, y last = x, y length = last[0] - this_start[0] yield this_start, last, this_vis_state, length, thread
[docs] def compute_longest_floats(self): """ Return a tuple indicating the longest floats for warp, weft. FIXME This might be producing incorrect results. """ floats = list(self.compute_floats()) return ( max(length for start, end, visible, length, thread in floats if isinstance(thread, WarpThread)), max(length for start, end, visible, length, thread in floats if isinstance(thread, WeftThread)), )
[docs] def reduce_shafts(self): """ Optimize to use the fewest number of shafts, to attempt to make a complex draft possible to weave on a loom with fewer shafts. Note that this may make the threading more complex or less periodic. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def reduce_treadles(self): """ Optimize to use the fewest number of total treadles, to attempt to make a complex draft possible to weave on a loom with a smaller number of treadles. Note that this may require that more treadles are active on any given pick. Cannot be called on a liftplan draft. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def reduce_active_treadles(self): """ Optimize to use the fewest number of active treadles on any given pick, because not every weaver is an octopus. Note that this may mean using more total treadles. Cannot be called on a liftplan draft. """ if self.liftplan: raise ValueError("can't reduce treadles on a liftplan draft") if True or max(len(thread.treadles) for thread in self.weft) > 1: used_shaft_combos = defaultdict(list) for thread in self.weft: used_shaft_combos[frozenset(thread.connected_shafts)].\ append(thread) self.treadles = [] for shafts, threads in used_shaft_combos.items(): treadle = Treadle(shafts=set(shafts)) self.treadles.append(treadle) for thread in threads: thread.treadles = set([treadle])
[docs] def sort_threading(self): """ Reorder the shaft assignment in threading so that it follows as sequential of an order as possible. For a liftplan draft, will change the threading and liftplan. For a treadled draft, will change the threading and tieup, won't change the treadling. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def sort_treadles(self): """ Reorder the treadle assignment in tieup so that it follows as sequential of an order as possible in treadling. Will change the tieup and treadling, won't change the threading. If sorting both threading and treadles, call ``.sort_threading()`` before calling ``.sort_treadles()``. Cannot be called on a liftplan draft. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def invert_shed(self): """ Convert from rising shed to sinking shed, or vice versa. Note that this will actually update the threading/tie-up to preserve the same drawdown: if this is not desired, simply change the .rising_shed attribute. """ self.rising_shed = not self.rising_shed for thread in self.weft: thread.shafts = self.shafts - thread.shafts for treadle in self.treadles: treadle.shafts = self.shafts - treadle.shafts
[docs] def rotate(self): """ Rotate the draft: the weft becomes the warp, and vice versa. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def flip_weftwise(self): """ Flip/mirror along the weft axis: e.g. looking at the front of the loom, the left side of the fabric becomes the right, and the right becomes the left. """ self.warp.reverse()
[docs] def flip_warpwise(self): """ Flip/mirror along the warp axis: e.g. looking at the front of the loom, the near side of the fabric becomes the far, and the far becomes the near. """ self.weft.reverse()
[docs] def selvedges_continuous(self): """ Check whether or not both selvedge threads are "continuous" (will be picked up on every pick). """ return (self.selvedge_continuous(False) and self.selvedge_continuous(True))
[docs] def selvedge_continuous(self, low): """ Check whether the selvedge corresponding to the lowest-number thread is continuous. """ # For the low selvedge: # If this draft starts at the lowest thread, there needs to be a # transition between threads 1 and 2 (0-indexed), threads 3 and 4, etc. # Otherwise, there needs to be a transition between 0 and 1, 2 and 3, # etc. # For the high selvedge: # If this draft starts at the highest thread, there needs to be a # transition between threads 0 and 1, threads 2 and 3, etc. offset = 0 if low ^ self.start_at_lowest_thread else 1 if low: thread = self.warp[0] else: thread = self.warp[-1] for ii in range(offset, len(self.weft) - 1, 2): a_state = thread.shaft in self.weft[ii].connected_shafts b_state = thread.shaft in self.weft[ii + 1].connected_shafts if not a_state ^ b_state: return False return True
[docs] def make_selvedges_continuous(self, add_new_shafts=False): """ Make the selvedge threads "continuous": that is, threaded and treadled such that they are picked up on every pick. This method will try to use the liftplan/tieup and switch selvedge threads to alternate shafts. If that is impossible and ``add_new_shafts`` new shafts will be added to handle the selvedge threads. FIXME This method works, but it does not necessarily produce the subjectively "best" solution in terms of aesthetics and structure. For example, it may result in longer floats than necessary. """ for low_thread in (False, True): success = False if low_thread: warp_thread = self.warp[0] else: warp_thread = self.warp[-1] if self.selvedge_continuous(low_thread): success = True continue for shaft in self.shafts: warp_thread.shaft = shaft if self.selvedge_continuous(low_thread): success = True break if not success: if add_new_shafts: raise NotImplementedError else: raise DraftError("cannot make continuous selvedges")
[docs] def compute_weft_crossings(self): """ Iterate over each weft row and compute the total number of thread crossings in that row. Useful for determining sett. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def compute_warp_crossings(self): """ Iterate over each warp row and compute the total number of thread crossings in that row. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def repeat(self, n): """ Given a base draft, make it repeat with N units in each direction. """ initial_warp = list(self.warp) initial_weft = list(self.weft) for ii in range(n): for thread in initial_warp: self.add_warp_thread( color=thread.color, shaft=thread.shaft, ) for thread in initial_weft: self.add_weft_thread( color=thread.color, treadles=thread.treadles, shafts=thread.shafts, )
[docs] def advance(self): """ Given a base draft, make it 'advance'. Essentially: 1. Repeat the draft N times, where N is the number of shafts, in both the warp and weft directions. 2. On each successive repeat, offset the threading by 1 additional shaft and the treadling by one additional treadle. """ initial_warp = list(self.warp) initial_weft = list(self.weft) num_shafts = len(self.shafts) num_treadles = len(self.treadles) for ii in range(1, num_shafts): print("ADVANCE %d" % ii) for thread in initial_warp: print(" thread") initial_shaft = self.shafts.index(thread.shaft) print(" initial shaft: %d" % initial_shaft) new_shaft = (initial_shaft + ii) % num_shafts print(" new shaft: %d" % new_shaft) self.add_warp_thread( color=thread.color, shaft=new_shaft, ) for thread in initial_weft: initial_treadles = [self.treadles.index(treadle) for treadle in thread.treadles] new_treadles = [(treadle + ii) % num_treadles for treadle in initial_treadles] initial_shafts = [self.shafts.index(shaft) for shaft in thread.shafts] new_shafts = [(shaft + ii) % num_shafts for shaft in initial_shafts] self.add_weft_thread( color=thread.color, treadles=new_treadles, shafts=new_shafts, )
[docs] def all_threads_attached(self): """ Check whether all threads (weft and warp) will be "attached" to the fabric, instead of just falling off. """ raise NotImplementedError