Source code for pyweaving.generators.dither

from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,

from operator import itemgetter

from .. import Color

[docs]def diff_rgb(a, b): return [ch_b - ch_a for ch_a, ch_b in zip(a, b)]
[docs]def add_rgb(a, b): return [ch_b + ch_a for ch_a, ch_b in zip(a, b)]
[docs]def manhattan_distance(a, b): return sum(abs(b_el - a_el) for a_el, b_el in zip(a, b))
[docs]def closest(want_rgb, *available_rgb): # This is about the slowest approach imaginable for this distances = [(manhattan_distance(want_rgb, this_rgb), this_rgb) for this_rgb in available_rgb] distances.sort(key=itemgetter(0)) return distances[0][1]
[docs]def dithered_gradient(start_color, end_color, count): """ Make a dithering sequence which simulates a gradient between two colors across ``count`` threads. Returns a list of length ``count`` where each element is the color to be used for the corresponding thread. """ inc_rgb = [float(ch2 - ch1) for ch1, ch2 in zip(start_color.rgb, end_color.rgb)] error_rgb = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 threads = [] for ii in range(count): dist = (ii + 0.5) / count ideal_rgb = [(inc_ch * dist) + start_ch for inc_ch, start_ch in zip(inc_rgb, start_color.rgb)] with_error_rgb = [ideal_ch + error_ch for ideal_ch, error_ch in zip(ideal_rgb, error_rgb)] this_rgb = closest(with_error_rgb, start_color.rgb, end_color.rgb) threads.append(Color(this_rgb)) error_rgb = add_rgb(error_rgb, diff_rgb(this_rgb, ideal_rgb)) return threads